Paul Stewart
Paul Stewart is a New Zealander living overseas since 2007. Troubled by an aching hip in 2003, Paul felt he should start painting as was suggested to him some years earlier and as soon as he did, the hip healed and five studious evenings later, his first piece was complete. This began a loving and peaceful relationship with the art form.
Pauls paintings are very much an energetic experience created from peace. They often feature subtle forms, figures and energy that manifests automatically from the artists state of being. They are an adventure to paint and also, to view. They bring energy to a space.
Paul currently resides in Tokyo, Japan absorbing much inspiration from both the culture and the land. He has also lived for 5 years in the Middle East and visited more than fifty countries to date.
Paul's Method
With a preference for oil on canvas, Paul bases each panting on a feeling or energetic concept. The painting usually starts as a vision or partial vision. From there, it is simply a matter of establishing a peaceful mood and beginning.
The less thought, the better! Time taken ranges from an hour to weeks months and in one case, years. The key to the process has been allowing the paintings to take form naturally from the soul, through the brush, and onto the canvas.